The goal of the Youth Group is to encourage personal and spiritual growth by reaching non-believing youth through teaching and connecting with Christian Youth, and sharing and respecting the love of God’s Word. DNC Teen Meeting is a meeting of teens to discuss information relevant to their age group, attend outings, and other activities. DNC Teens meet at the church on the second Sunday of each month at 10:30 am during Children's Church. The 8-13 Youth Group meet to discuss information relevant to their age group, attend outings and other planned activities. This group is not limited to just youth members of the church, but is open to all of the community in an effort to bring young people to Jesus.
Children's Church is held every Sunday except 3rd Sunday. On the 3rd Sunday, the children join their parents in regular service as 3rd Sunday is designated as Youth Sunday. We have a "Sermonette" presented by a member of our youth ministry. After which, we have our "Youth Minister" or a "Guest Youth Minister" deliver the worship message at the 10:30 Service.
Porscha Doyle, Youth Director
Tyler Green, Assistant Youth Director
Children's Church is held every Sunday except 3rd Sunday. On the 3rd Sunday, the children join their parents in regular service as 3rd Sunday is designated as Youth Sunday. We have a "Sermonette" presented by a member of our youth ministry. After which, we have our "Youth Minister" or a "Guest Youth Minister" deliver the worship message at the 10:30 Service.
Porscha Doyle, Youth Director
Tyler Green, Assistant Youth Director

Children's Church
Children's Church is back on campus. Parents, please pre-register your child(ren) now!

Back-to-School Supplies
Community Outreach Ministry is sponsoring a Back-to-School Giveaway. Please register your Pre-K to 12 Child(ren) before August 7th
Let's Work Together
Get in touch so we can start working together. If you want to volunteer or to get in touch with our Youth Ministry Staff, please email: YOUTHOFRIDGEWOOD@GMAIL.COM
Sunday Mornings
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum faucibus accumsan nulla, non faucibus velit convallis et. Nulla tempus placerat massa.